Children's sleeping bag for camping or tent camp. With this cosy sleeping bag for children, even the little ones will have fun on their next camping holiday. And best of all: it grows with them! The Alpli 400 sleeping bag can be extended as the children get older. It is designed for boys and girls between 1.05 and 1.35 metres tall. The length adjustment is child's play with an easy-to-use zip system. The foot section of the children's sleeping bag is simply slipped into the sleeping bag - zip closed and you're done. The Alpli 400 children's sleeping bag has a long zip on the side that can be operated from the inside and outside. Another advantage of this warm and cosy sleeping bag for children is that it has a narrower cut than sleeping bags for adults, so that less room air needs to be heated and the little ones are well protected even on cooler nights. The main materials and the filling of the sustainable sleeping bag for children are made from 100% recycled polyester, and attention was also paid to maximising material efficiency during production. The VAUDE Green Shape label stands for an environmentally friendly, functional product made from sustainable materials.
VAUDE - Alpli Adjust 400 II SYN Sleeping Bag Kids baltic sea
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